Every time you shop online through CashBag you can earn up to 25% cash back. Our partners pay us a commission when you shop from them, then we share that commission with you. Simple!
CashBag works together with other rewards programs, meaning if you are a member of another rewards program, when you shop at the approved partner, not only will you earn the rewards from your current program, but we will pay you Cash Back in addition to this! So you could be saving big just by doing what you normally do... shopping online!
Register for a CashBag account, which is totally free, in fact if you install the CashBag toolbar, we'll give you R25.00 in your CashBag to start you off!
As soon as you have registered a CashBag account you can start shopping and earning cash back.
Purchases you make at any of the CashBag partners are only credited to your account if you start your shopping session at CashBag or another CashBag service (like the CashBag desktop button or CashBag Rewards Mobile App) and click to a store via a CashBag link. That's because we need to prove that you are a CashBag member to the store with your click.
You must click through a CashBag link every time you shop at one of our partners. If you click through a CashBag link and make a purchase, then surf elsewhere on the web and return to that partner to make another purchase, your second purchase will not earn a cash back reward. If you use multiple windows on your browser, the window in which you shop at the store must have come from a CashBag link.
Yes you can, as long at the partner you are purchasing from will ship to your location. All cash back payments are made in the available currency(ies) of your selected payment method.
We are constantly working on adding partners to the CashBag network. If you would like to suggest a store, please send us a message via the contact us page and we will do our best to add your store.
Returns and cancellations are subject to the stores policies from which you purchased from. If you return or cancel an order we have to reverse any cash back earned from that sale.
Has it been seven days since your last shopping trip and your Cash Back is not reflecting in your account yet? Please contact us with the following information:
We will look into it right away!
When you login to your CashBag account, go to View Profile to view all your reward balances.
Every 3 months CashBag pays your Cash Back Balance earned in the previous quarter, as per the schedule below:
Purchases Made: | Payment Made: |
1 January - 31 March | 30 May |
1 April - 30 June | 30 August |
1 July - 30 September | 30 November |
1 October - 31 December | 28 February |
If your Cash Back balance is less than R100.00 the balance will be carried over to the next quarter.
Every time you start your shopping trip at CashBag we will pay you a portion of your spend in cash back. There are no points to redeem, no forms to fill in and it's absolutely free.