Earn cash back
on your purchases & find great deals and coupons!

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How CashBag Works

  • CashBag is an exciting rewards program where you earn cash back when shopping online.
  • By starting your online shopping at CashBag, you can earn cash back on your purchases, as well as find great deals and coupons.

No points to redeem - No forms to fill out

  • Our partners pay us a commission for driving sales to their sites, we in turn choose to share a portion of that commission with you. Simple!
  • Install the CashBag cash back buttons and get a $5 welcome bonus
Join Now Button is currently available for Firefox, Chrome, and Safari on desktop only

The CashBag Button notifies you when you visit a CashBag partner site.

You can activate cash back directly at the store with CashBag, ensuring you never miss out on cash back or deals.

The CashBag Button gives you an overview of your CashBag account.

  • Easily view your cash back balance
  • Search for all your favourite stores
  • Discover new stores that offer you cash back for shopping.

The CashBag Button allows you to compare cash back deals right on your Google search results page

Compare cash back deals when you search for your favourite products and always get the best deals!

Already a member? Sign in here.

Join for free & get a $5 welcome bonus*

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Why you should join

Every time you start your shopping trip at CashBag we will pay you a portion of your spend in cash back. There are no points to redeem, no forms to fill in and it's absolutely free.

* To qualify for the welcome bonus you must register for a CashBag account and install the CashBag button.
By becoming a member, you agree to our terms & conditions

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Enter your registered email address and we'll send you instructions on how to reset it.

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